My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was at White House Coronavirus Press Conference yesterday to announce that his company will be manufacturing free face masks for hospitals across the country.

MyPillow joins a growing list of private companies pitching in to address the shortage of face masks that U.S. healthcare professionals are facing as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to climb. (Right Side Broadcasting Network)

Below are some examples of how the media reacted to it on twitter…

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real cognitive disorder that spreads like a virus on social media. You would think that making face masks for the healthcare industry at this time would be a good thing, but no… the media was more triggered by his “off the cuff” message:

“God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on, God had been taken out of schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word, read our Bibles and spend time with our families. With our great president, vice president and this administration and all the great people in this country praying daily, we will get through this and get back to a place that’s stronger and safer than ever,”

We are living in a time where unity and teamwork is crucial, but the media continues to divide, spread fear and hate. The fact that Mike believes in God and recommends the bible should not overshadow the fact that he’s providing solutions to address a serious problem… the Coronavirus.

Mike Lindell is a true American Patriot with a great success story on how he became a millionaire.

In March 2017, Lindell produced The Mike Lindell Story: An American Dream, a documentary about Lindell overcoming drug addiction and building a multimillion-dollar business.